About Us
LASIK Surgery Watch (LSW) was launched in 2008 by a group of LASIK patients and family members of LASIK patients to address an urgent need for improvements in public disclosure of risks and informed consent for LASIK eye surgery.
On April 25, 2008, the Food and Drug Administrations (FDA) convened a panel of experts to consider LASIK safety issues. With momentum created by the FDA hearing, LSW will continue raising awareness of problems with the LASIK procedure and advocate for positive changes.
We ask that you join us so that we may be a strong voice for LASIK patients.
Who can join? LASIK patients, family members, medical professionals, concerned citizens—anyone who supports our mission is welcome to join LASIK Surgery Watch.
Our initiatives:
- Advocate for LASIK patients with the FDA, governmental agencies, and eye care organizations.
- Provide educational information for LASIK patients, both pre- and postoperatively.
- Offer support and counseling to patients who experience problems after LASIK.
- Assist in the formation of regional LASIK patient support groups.
Thank you for visiting our website. We welcome your partnership and support,
The LSW Directors,
Lauranell Burch, Ph.D
Matthew Kotsovolos
Natalie Messier