Eye health can be maintained through a variety of steps. Some of these include maintaining a proper diet and ensuring regular exercise. However, there are many other factors that directly affect your eye health which you can take some control on including: Exposure to sunlight: Eye damage can be caused by ultraviolet radiation (UV), including ultraviolet rays from the sun, and other harmful chemicals at work or home. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency advises people to avoid spending excessive amounts of time outdoors during the summer months. This includes staying under the shade for the times when you should be out in the sun, avoiding direct sunlight when sleeping, wearing sunglasses, and using an umbrella when spending extended periods outdoors.
Health care providers also advise individuals to undergo routine eye care, particularly when they start to notice signs of eye problems such as eye redness, puffiness, or pain or sensitivity to light. They can also help you to prevent these issues from developing into more serious eye conditions or diseases. It’s important to seek out eye care whenever you notice any changes in the appearance of your eyes. This is especially true if you’re in the process of obtaining driver’s license, or are going to get a contact lens, and don’t want any complications later.
Some nutritional supplements that can help improve your eye health and vision include those rich in beta carotene, zinc, vitamin A, and vitamin E. Beta carotene, a common source of vitamin A, helps prevent age-related eye diseases such as macular degeneration. It can also prevent cataracts from developing and improve vision in people with severe astigmatism. Some studies also suggest that zinc can help prevent macular degeneration, but there’s no proof in this regard. Vitamins such as vitamin A, B6, E, and C are also said to improve eye health and vision. However, these vitamins may not be useful for those with certain types of cataract, glaucoma, or retinal detachment.