Eye Health – Nutrients Which Improve Eye Function
Good eye health begins with your food on the plate. Green leafy veggies such as collard greens, kale, and spinach. Salmon, tuna, other oily fishes, eggs, fruits, and non-meat protein sources such as tofu.
Other nutrients which may benefit your eye health are the antioxidant vitamins A, C and E. Eye strain and stress can cause problems for your eyes. Eye strain wears out the protein in your macular which can lead to age related macular degeneration, a disease which progresses and destroys the photoreceptors in the macula which causes age related vision loss. Vitamin C raises levels of HDL, which is good cholesterol that protects the retina and prevents the building up of fluids, which in turn can damage the retina and eventually blindness.
The last nutrient to mention as important for eye health is fatty acids which help lubricate the tear ducts. Eye inflammation can result from trauma such as laser eye surgery, blurring of the vision, allergies, medications, infections, or eye health issues such as conjunctivitis, cataracts, or dry eye syndrome. Eye inflammation is common in people who smoke, use artificial lights and stereo headphones. This inflammation can also be the cause of age related vision decline.