A Look at Hospital Management

What is hospital administration? It is the administrative and financial part of running a hospital, which has to do with making sure that the organization’s resources are well managed, all services are up to par and that the hospital itself is well organized. There are many aspects that hospital management has to deal with, from financial issues, to staffing to facility management to dealing with disciplinary issues with staff members. In addition, hospital administration also has to ensure that the quality of care provided by the hospital is maintained at all times. It can be quite a stressful position to hold, which is why it is critical that the person who is in charge of this aspect of hospital management has the right skills and experience to make sure that the hospital runs as efficiently as possible.


The responsibilities of a hospital manager are much like those of any other manager at a corporation or other kind of workplace. They usually report to the principal, but they also have the power and authority to make decisions regarding the hospital’s finances as well as the facilities that the hospital has. Some hospitals choose to keep their hospital management division free of stock ownership, instead electing to make their managerial positions senior to the senior executives of the hospital. Although there are some limitations regarding the exact responsibilities of hospital management, most doctors’ offices, nursing homes and surgical centers elect to keep their hospital management offices beneath the management of the physician in order to retain the services of their physicians and nurses. This allows for an opportunity for continuity within the medical facility.

If you are interested in this field but are not sure where to start your career, you should consider working in a hospital that has a good reputation. You should look at large companies as well as smaller hospitals, since there will be more responsibility for you at a larger hospital. If possible, you should also work at a university or teaching hospital to get experience in hospital management. Finally, make sure that you do your own research and thoroughly learn about the hospital administration and the field itself before taking on any managerial position in a hospital. You will find that it is a challenging and rewarding position, but one that has a great deal to offer both financially and professionally.