Lasik Vision Correction: What to Expect Afterwards?
LASIK, commonly spouted as laser vision correction or lasik, is a kind of refractive method for the treatment of myopia, hyperopic, and astigmatism. In order to undergo a laser vision treatment or lasik procedure, a person must first undergo a pre-operative evaluation in which his eyes are examined with the use of a special laser called excimer. Then after this, the patient is given a numbing ointment before undergoing the actual laser surgery. During laser vision treatment or lasik procedure, a thin flap is made at the cornea which will be used to place the artificial laser inside the eye. The laser will then refract light coming from the eye back to the retina where it will then correct the myopia or hyperopic condition of the patient.
However, before undergoing the lasik surgery, you need to consult a surgeon who is proficient in the field of medicine. A skilled surgeon should be able to determine whether or not you are indeed qualified for lasik surgery. You may feel disoriented during the initial stages of the procedure. But after a short while, you should already feel more comfortable with the whole procedure.
When it comes to post-surgical care, you may feel dizzy following lasik surgery. This is due to the fact that the surgeon will likely prescribed several antibiotics to help lessen some of the discomfort caused by the procedure. You should also ask your surgeon if there are some numbing eye drops available for you to use. These eye drops will help lessen some of the discomfort and pain that may have occurred during the procedure. You can ask the surgeon regarding these recommendations so you will be able to get the best results possible from lasik surgery.